Cunninghame Choir

Cunninghame Choir


Friends of Cunninghame Choir

A new way to support us...

Like many performing arts groups, Cunninghame Choir has suffered greatly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Without the income from missed concerts and membership fees, but maintaining our MD, Tiffany, and Maciej, our accompanist, on the payroll for its duration, our funds are much depleted and we are concerned for our future.

Rising costs are affecting everyone, including us, and our overheads; room hire, music hire & purchase, venue hire, piano tuning etc. etc. continue to eat away at our limited reserves.

Meanwhile, we are acutely aware of the need to keep our membership fees and concert prices affordable - and minimise barriers to participation and inclusion.  Choirs are important vehicles for maintaining social connections, support and physical well-being for members, and also for providing entertainment and social opportunities within our communities.

Cunninghame Choir has been an important contributor to Beith, the Garnock Valley and wider Ayrshire's cultural life for more than 40 years.  We hope, with your help, we can continue to provide this invaluable support, and source of enjoyment for our community for, at least, another 40 years!

If you can spare a small monthly donation (Standing Order), for as little as the cost of a cup of coffee, or two, to secure a long and bright future for Cunninghame Choir and our community, please let us know via the form below.


As a token on thanks, Choir Friends, will enjoy free entries to our fabulous Hamper Raffles, drawn in May and November.  Friend benefits will also include a periodic look-in on our concert preparations, music requests, a mention on our concert programmes and website, and more...

Yes, I would like to support you as a Friend of Cunninghame Choir and I commit to a monthly donation of:

Thank You!

As a Friend of Cunninghame Choir, your support is most gratefully appreciated. 

You will receive a Welcome Friend! email shortly with further information, our bank details (for Standing Order set-up) and a Gift Aid declaration form.

If you are a UK tax payer, Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25%.

Your personal details will not be shared with any other parties other than for audit purposes.

Our Loyal Friends

Margaret Berry                            Ian Buchanan                             

Betty Buchanan                           John Christie  

Jane Evans                                   Elizabeth Gemmell                     

Elna Martin                                  Robert Maund                             

Your name here...

Cunninghame Choir, Registered Scottish Charity SCO 001136
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