Cunninghame Choir

Cunninghame Choir


Support us

Cunninghame Choir is a registered charity and we hope that with your support we can continue to bring our audiences interesting and varied works for choir and accompanists for our concert programmes.

There are a number of ways that you can support the choir in achieving this goal:

1. Help spread the word about Cunninghame Choir. 

  • Please Like us on Facebook, then like, share and comment on our posts.
  • Follow, like and retweet us on Twitter!

2. Join our audience - concert tickets are £5.

3. Join the choir and experience the fun, friendship and harmony.

4. For a small monthly donation become a Friend of Cunninghame Choir to support and sustain our work for our members, audience and our local community.

5. By far the easiest way to support us financially is by joining EasyFundraising and setting Cunninghame Choir as your fundraising Cause. If you shop online, first open up EasyFundraising then search for your item or retailer. EasyFundraising will record your visit and the retailer will donate a percentage of the transaction fee to Cunninghame Choir - at no extra cost to you! Simple! Please share this link with your family and friends! You can also download the EasyFundraising toolbar here, which reminds you about EasyFundraising when you visit a participating site.

6.  Note that is no longer participating via the EasyFundraising portal. Instead, it runs its own, but very similar, scheme for fundraising called Amazon Smile. To raise funds for Cunninghame Choir every time you shop at, please create an Amazon Smile account and set Cunninghame Choir as your cause. NB, you must access your shopping basket via to be eligible for any donations.

6. Support our fundraising events and campaigns (listed below).

Fundraising Events

Quiz - a quiz where all the answers follow a theme, such as flower names, musical terms, coastal places, etc.  Questions are in the style of a cryptic crossword. £1 per quiz sheet and the winner gets £10.  Contact us  for details of our next quiz.

Cunninghame Choir, Registered Scottish Charity SCO 001136
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